Visual studio for mac work
Visual studio for mac work

visual studio for mac work


The code cleanup functionality represents a major step up over what Visual Studio 2017 has to offer, but is it good enough to replace an extension like ReSharper? Well, not quite. Or you can choose to go for an expression-style body, instead of block body for, say, properties. For instance, type declaration can be configured to be implicit (using the var keyword) or explicit (like, for instance, List). Users can pick and choose what sort of options they want to trigger and how it will be enforced. The Code Cleanup functionality, which can be triggered using a keyboard shortcut or via a lightbulb menu, lets users remove and sort using statements, apply type preferences, inline "out" variables and more in a single go. With Visual Studio 2019, Microsoft is trying to close that gap. Visual Studio users wanting to clean up their code and maintain a consistent style have typically had to rely on third-party tools like ReSharper, which can automatically apply their preferences using just a single shortcut or two. The changes to the blue theme especially have triggered a lot of responses from developers, which Microsoft took to heart. Feedback has been extremely important here, helping the company strike a good balance between looks and usability. Microsoft wanted to make Visual Studio 2019 feel more modern, but at the same time it strived to make it feel familiar to those who are coming from a previous version. However, there is a new icon which looks more modern, the blue theme is changed slightly to make it feel more fresh (and blue), the top menu takes up less space vertically, so you have more available for your code, and the notifications are more tightly integrated within the UI.Īre the changes drastic? Well, no.

visual studio for mac work

In other areas of the IDE you are unlikely to notice changes as major as this. With Microsoft embracing Git, and heavily promoting GitHub, having the former there is to be expected. However, what is interesting, and pretty nice to have, is the option to check out an existing project from a repository or create a new project, which Visual Studio 2017 did not expose right away. You can still open any of your recent projects from the startup menu, or none at all if you just want to dive right in, so it is not actually a major departure in terms of functionality from this point of view. This makes Visual Studio 2019 feel faster initially, as it only has to load a lighter menu as opposed to the fully-fledged interface. With its predecessor, you would get straight to the main interface, where you'd be typically greeted with a startup tab containing the list of most-recently-used projects. The user interface has been updated in Visual Studio 2019, with a new startup menu showing right after you launch the IDE.

Visual studio for mac work